5 Organizing Tasks for Fall

Welcome to Fall! Here in Buffalo, New York we love the four seasons and Fall is one of my favorite. In between apple picking and football games, or whatever your favorite activities are, mix in a few organizing tasks.

  1. Bring patio furniture inside or at least cover it to keep snow and ice off. Find a tote or box for seasonal items, such as wind chimes and garden ornaments. When it’s time to bring these items out next spring it will be so much easier to find them if they are in one place.
  1. Clean out your garden. Pull out your annual flowers and vegetables from garden beds and containers. Also, disconnect garden hoses and drain the water from them. Store these items in a garage or shed.
  1. Get your garage ready for the winter. Remove items from the floor. Consider hanging tools and sports equipment if you aren’t already doing so. Make sure you can easily get to your winter items such as your snow shovel. If you have a snow blower, check to see it still starts up. 
  1. Bring out your warm clothes and pack away most of your summer items. They might be stored in your attic or a trunk or tote in your house. If you have a closet and dresser space that fits everything, consider shifting items around to make them easier to get to. I like to keep a few summer items out just in case it gets warm in November or February! 
  1. Make inside projects a priority! The cooler weather and less daylight means we will probably be staying inside more. Use this inside time to get stuff done.

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